Do you struggle to find time to exercise?

It’s often at the start of a new year that we tend to think about ourselves a bit more. We start writing those to do lists or the New Years resolutions, thinking about what positive changes we can make for our own wellbeing. Often one of our biggest challenges to make change though is ‘time’ or the lack of it! Being a Pilates Instructor and Physiotherapist, people come to me wanting to get fit but their biggest complaint is that they have not got time. They often ask me how I manage to fit it all in with having a family and running a Pilates and Physiotherapy business, so here’s my top tips for getting fit when you are short on time:

Place your fitness as a high priority on your to-do list

When you have a million and one things to do, it is easy to write-off your workout. We know from research that exercise boosts productivity and helps manage stress so once you have done your exercise for the day you will be more efficient and will feel mentally and physically stronger to cope with the challenges that your day or week may hold.

Incorporate more activity into your everyday life

The evidence suggests that we should be doing 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity exercise. You can incorporate this into your everyday life. Use the stairs rather than the lift and increase the pace you do the stairs, park a bit further away from the shops, walk briskly to pick the kids up or to work.

Keep exercise simple

Have some simple exercises that you could do everyday such as squats, press ups or lunges. These could all be done whilst waiting for your shower to warm up in the morning!

Keep sessions short but productive

There is an increasing popularity in HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). The evidence suggests that this improves cardiovascular fitness, helps with toning and fat burning. Thinking that your workout could be done in 30 minutes and not an hour and 30 minutes seems a lot more achievable to fit into your schedule.

Involve your family in your exercise regime

Run next to the kids on the bike, get them to do a workout in the lounge with you or they could be your time keeper for your home exercises. Not only will that provide some entertainment for the kids but also we know that being positive role models for our children will influence their own activity level.

Get more sleep

Try and go to bed a bit earlier so it is easier to get up earlier in the morning to exercise. It is recommended that we get 7-8 hours sleep a night. Achieving a good amount of sleep should make you feel more positive and energetic about getting up earlier to exercise. I personally like to exercise in the morning as it sets me up for the day. Get your workout clothes ready the night before and try not to hit the snooze button! So if one of your 2020 resolutions is to get fit and you hear yourself saying you have not got time to exercise try these techniques out and soon you will see the results.

Jason Rubino